所有在以马忤斯圣经学院获得经济援助的学生必须在合格的学位或证书课程中取得令人满意的学术进步(SAP). 学术进步政策适用于在以马忤斯就读的任何时期,即使可能没有收到经济援助.  Satisfactory academic progress for financial aid will be reviewed at the end of each semester.

To be eligible for federal financial aid at Emmaus 圣经 College, 学生必须保持令人满意的学业进步, a federal requirement composed of three parts:  1) a minimum number of 学分 completed; 2) a minimum 平均绩点; and 3) a maximum time frame.


最低 累积 学分

最低 累积 平均绩点


完成67%的尝试 累积 学分

2.0 累积 平均绩点


未能完成这些最低要求的学生将被置于经济援助警告状态,并将被授予一个额外的学期,以恢复令人满意的学业进展. During the warning status semester, the student will continue to receive federal student aid.  在经济援助警告状态学期结束时,未能恢复令人满意的学业进步的学生将被暂停其下一学期的经济援助. Students will be notified if they have not maintained satisfactory academic progress.  转学生在转学时将被视为取得了令人满意的学业进展.  Below you will find further information about each of these criteria.


All students receiving financial aid must, at the end of each semester, complete at least 67 percent of the 累积 学分 that they attempt,以保持令人满意的学业进步.

  • Incompletes, withdrawals, failed classes and audits do not 数 as completed 学分.
  • 补习课程获得的学分 do  toward the minimum credit requirement, but are not included in the 累积 平均绩点.
  • 转学分, 包括在联合研究期间收到的, are included in the calculation of both attempted and earned hours, but they do not 数 in the calculation of the 累积 平均绩点.
  • 重复的课程(当它是具有相同内容的相同课程时)只有在成功完成时才计入完成学分, but it is 数ed as part of the attempted 学分 each time the course has been taken.
  • 学生可以重复成功完成的课程(内容相同),并且只能额外一次获得该课程的经济资助.
  • The number of attempted 学分 will be established at the end of the drop/add period.  This will also be the enrollment status for which your aid will be disbursed.  Only courses required for your degree or certificate 数 toward your enrollment status.
  • 在一个学期结束时, 完成的学分数将根据成绩单上显示的“已获得”学分数计算。.
  • 在NICC上的课程, 克拉克大学或迪比克大学, 作为合作项目的一部分, are 数ed in the calculation of both attempted and earned 学分.

学生必须保持 累积平均绩点2.0或更高 每一项都必须以a结束 最低1.每学期平均成绩为0分. Only the highest grade obtained is 数ed in the 平均绩点 when a course is repeated.   在NICC上的课程, 克拉克大学或迪比克大学, 作为合作项目的一部分, 会被计算在累积平均绩点和学期平均绩点中吗.  “W”和“I”成绩是平均绩点计算的一部分.0数字等级). 

If a student is enrolled in a Bachelor’s Degree program, they must have a 2.在第二年(以及之后的任何学期)结束时累积平均绩点为0,以便有资格获得经济援助.

注意:一些以马忤斯奖学金和机构奖学金与优秀的学习成绩挂钩,可能需要比这里列出的更高的标准.  Please refer to the Emmaus web site for information on these scholarships.


当一个学生在数学上不可能在课程长度的150%内完成课程时,他/她就不符合资格.  Students will be notified when they reach this point and will have the opportunity to file an appeal.  If the appeal is approved, a student could be eligible to receive financial aid until they have attempted a maximum of 150 percent of the minimum number of 学分 required for the degree or certificate.  Once the maximum attempted 学分 hours have been reached, financial aid eligibility is denied for the subsequent 学分 hours of enrollment.  先前的学位学分和所有在以马忤斯成绩单上列出的转学学分都被计算在累计尝试学分的计算中.



Sometimes the inability to maintain academic progress is due to circumstances beyond the student’s control. 因学业进展不理想,在经济援助警告学期结束后不再有资格获得经济援助的学生, may submit a Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal to the Financial Aid Office.  上诉由学业进展满意委员会审查,可批准或拒绝上诉.  如果获得批准, 该学生将被置于经济援助试用状态,并在一个付款期(学期)内恢复获得援助的资格。.  If the student is unable to meet satisfactory academic progress at the end of the probation semester, 他们的资助将在下学期暂停.

If, 作为上诉程序的一部分, 在学生处于试用期的学期结束时,学生应该能够达到SAP标准, 不需要学术计划.  If it is determined that the student will require more than one semester to meet SAP standards, an academic plan must be developed with the Vice President for Academic Affairs.  If the appeal is approved, the student is placed on probation status.  除了, 学生的进步将在每学期结束时进行测量,以确定学生是否满足学术计划的要求.  If the student is meeting the requirements of the academic plan, 只要学生继续满足计划的要求,学生就有资格获得联邦援助.  不符合学业计划规定的学生,将暂停其下一学期的奖学金.

The Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form is available in the financial aid office.  The appeal form describes the documentation needed for the appeal to be considered.  不完整的上诉表格将不予审核.  对于超出学生合理控制范围,导致学生无法保持令人满意的学业进步的情况,申诉将被审查.  例子包括个人疾病或事故, 或直系亲属患重病或死亡. If the appeal is denied, the student’s aid will not be reinstated. The student will be informed in writing of the action taken on their appeal.  请注意,学生在以马忤斯圣经学院学习期间最多可以提交三次上诉.


For students whose aid is suspended and they do not appeal (or their appeal is denied), 他们可以通过自己支付至少一个学期的学费并注册(在一个学期内)并完成至少3个学分的2学分来恢复资格.学期平均成绩0分,成绩2分.0累积绩点.  除了, the student must successfully complete 67% of their total 累积 credit hours at Emmaus.





Student is granted one semester of aid eligibility on a warning status. No special action is required of the student to be granted a warning semester, 然而, the student should be sure to meet with his advisor to assure success during the warning semester.

Student is not eligible for aid for the following semester.  但是,学生可以通过提交以下材料提出上诉:

  1. 申诉表格;
  2. appropriate documentation as described on the appeal form;
  3. If needed, an academic plan for success will be created with the Vice President of Academic Affairs;
  4. 如果获得批准,则进入试用状态.


  • major的变化可能会改变您的SAP状态.  Failing grades earned under a previous major may be excluded from a student’s 累积 平均绩点.
  • 不完整的成绩不计入已修学分. 因未完成课程而被暂停资助的学生可以要求在课程完成后重新评估其状态.  例如:一名学生在秋季学期注册了12个学分,并且收到了所有不完整的成绩,并且由于在试用学期未能满足SAP而没有资格获得资助.  如果学生在春季学期结束前完成课程(并在春季学期注册其他课程), 如果完成的课程达到令人满意的学术进步,他/她可能有资格获得春季学期的经济援助.  If the incompletes are not completed before the end of spring semester, 春季学期不提供助学金.
  • Students taking remedial coursework must demonstrate progress in remedial coursework.  学生可以再补习一次补习课程.  Progress in remedial coursework will be evaluated by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  • 学生可以选择以及格或不及格为基础的课程,这些学分将计入他们的注册状态.  在及格/不及格基础上尝试的课程作为完成率测量的一部分计算在尝试课程中,但不计入学生的平均绩点.  请注意,在此基础上可以选修的课程数量非常有限,并且受其学习计划的学术要求的限制(参见学术目录了解更多信息)。.
  • Transfer 学分 are evaluated by the Registrar and/or department chairs.  If the transfer 学分 are accepted and applicable to the student’s program of study, 以马忤斯抄本上都有记载.
  • Once a student completes the academic requirements for their program, regardless of whether a degree or certificate has been awarded or conferred, they are no longer eligible for additional federal aid funds for that program.
  • This Satisfactory 学业进步政策 also applies to State of Iowa financial aid 项目.