
Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Financial Aid
  • 试镜
  • 音乐 奖学金
What denomination is Emmaus?

以马忤斯学院是一所非宗派的学院,由弟兄会运动创立并继续支持, as well as many other evangelical Christian groups.

Who are the Brethren?

The Brethren are a fellowship of like-minded, 不属于任何正式教派的独立的地方教会. These brethren are a loose fellowship of like-minded, yet interdependent churches rather than a tight-knit, formal denomination. Each church is autonomous, but enjoys sharing preachers, 营地, 会议, national service organizations, and mission-sending agencies. Their theology fits well within protestant evangelicalism. There are 800 congregations with 60,000 members in the U.S.在加拿大有400个教会,3万名成员(被称为黄金城官网教兄弟会)。.

The movement began in England and Ireland in the late 1820s. Christians from various churches, who had become dissatisfied with the formalism, clericalism and spiritual dryness of many British churches, met for communion, 祈祷, and 圣经 teaching. They sought a simple New Testament pattern of meeting. 他们的一些早期领导人是约翰·纳尔逊·达比,安东尼·诺里斯·格罗夫斯,威廉·凯利,C. H. Mackintosh, and George Mueller. Two of their larger centers were in Plymouth and Dublin. They rallied around several distinctives. The brethren do not ordain clergy, 但更倾向于强调每个信徒的圣职和教会中的平信徒的事工. They consider worship a primary reason to gather as believers, so they break bread weekly, 在长达一小时的会议中,通过公开的口头参与来庆祝交流. 他们由多位长老带领,在讲坛上使用不同的传道人. 弟兄们的神学和实践很符合主流福音主义. 作为一个整体,他们对福音派的两个最大贡献是领导的多元化和时代论, premillennial view of Christ's kingdom. 他们以传福音、传教和个人对圣经的了解而闻名.


约有三分之一的学生来自以马忤斯弟兄会的背景, while the remainder come from other evangelical 回来grounds.

Am I required to go to a specific church?

不,但我们确实希望所有的学生都能积极参与当地的福音派教会. There are three assemblies in town, 还有其他一些福音派教会可供选择.

Is there an application deadline?

Our standard app deadline is July 1st, 然而, 在该日期之后提交的申请可能会被考虑. 联系 an admissions counselor for more information!

What is the minimum GPA required for acceptance?

最少2个.0 GPA is required for acceptance; students whose GPA is lower than 2.0 may be accepted on Academic Assistance.

Am I required to submit ACT, SAT or CLT scores?

No, test scores are not required for admission to Emmaus; 然而, 他们需要被考虑为新生学术奖学金. 如果你高中毕业后已经上了大学,并且至少有24个大学学分, 你的转学奖学金将根据你的大学累积GPA来考虑.

Do you accept AP and CLEP scores?

是的, we accept both AP and CLEP. Credit received is based on scores. 联系 our registrar for more information at jbennett@richardmbennett.net.

What if I've earned college credit from another institution? Will they transfer to Emmaus?

这取决于你所修的课程和你计划在以马忤斯完成的项目. 我们确定学分转移的最好方法是看一下你的成绩单。. 联系招生办公室了解更多黄金城官网入口这个过程的信息.

Is tutoring available?

是的! 访问我们的 Academic Support Center for more information.

What courses do freshmen usually take?

我们所有的一年级学生都从一年的圣经和通识教育课程开始, working toward the 圣经 Certificate. 点击这里 to see the requirements for the 圣经 Certificate program.


在线完成你的FAFSA(免费申请联邦学生援助) fafsa.政府. List Emmaus as a school to receive your FAFSA.  The school code is 016487.  After the completed FAFSA is received by Emmaus, 财政援助办公室将与您联系,了解下一步需要采取的措施.

What is "verification" and what does it require of me?

在完成FAFSA的学生中,大约有30%是由政府挑选出来进行核实的. 这只是意味着政府正在进行随机检查,以确保你在FAFSA上正确报告了某些项目.  If you are selected, the Financial Aid Office will notify you. 您需要填写验证工作表,并可能被要求提供其他信息.


一旦FAFSA流程通过财政援助办公室完成, they will send you an Award Letter. 这将告诉你政府是如何计算你的经济需求的, 然后是你有资格获得多少佩尔助学金和斯塔福德贷款.


联邦补充教育机会补助金颁发给以马忤斯最贫困的学生, as determined by the FAFSA.  最高奖助金金额为每年$600,可用的资金数额非常有限.


最简单、最有效的方法是通过一家名为FastWeb的公司 www.fastweb.com. 这是一个定制的奖学金搜索,向您发送有关美国每个学生可用奖学金的自动电子邮件更新. 注册一个免费帐户,你几乎可以立即看到更新.


在学生在一个学期中不再注册至少6个学分后的6个月内,补贴斯塔福德贷款是无息的. The 政府ernment pays the interest during this time, and the loan can be deferred as long as the student is enrolled. The 政府ernment does not pay the interest on an unsubsidized loan.

I've taken my maximum amount of Stafford Loan available, 但我还是想用学生贷款来支付剩余的余额. 我可以通过以马忤斯办理吗,还是需要去银行办理?

联邦附加贷款是家长可以为学生申请的另一种政府贷款. Plus贷款的利率非常好,仅次于斯塔福德贷款. 你也可以考虑向银行或贷款机构申请私人教育贷款.


是的, 一个学生不能获得超过94%的学费的机构资助, including the Iowa Tuition Grant. Since the Iowa Tuition Grant can only be used for tuition, 机构援助可以减少,这样学生在机构援助和爱荷华州学费补助金中获得的学费不超过94%.