
Our mission as a biblical higher education community is to glorify God by educating and equipping learners to impact the world for Christ through faithful and effective service in their ministries, 职业, 和社区.


“Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.” (路加福音24:27)


Emmaus 圣经 College will be flourishing, 有关, and accessible as a trusted name for transformational learning rooted in biblical truth.

The Emmaus Experience

In a context of academic excellence, the Emmaus Experience is characterized by:

  • Educational 项目 infused with biblical content
  • Meaningful relationships between faculty, staff, and students
  • An environment conducive to spiritual and personal growth


  • 圣经的权威. As God’s inspired Word, the 圣经 speaks as the final authority on all issues of faith, 生活, 和实践. Biblical truth is at the core of our 项目 and guides our institutional decision-making.
  • 学术严谨. Responsible Christian discipleship involves bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Emmaus 圣经 College endeavors to train the mind through rigorous 项目 of study designed to enhance knowledge, develop critical thinking skills, and shape biblical worldview.
  • 敬虔. God calls His people to live in alignment with His character and will. Emmaus 圣经 College seeks to be a community in which relationships and actions are guided by godly character and consistently reflect honesty, 完整性, 和问责制.
  • Dignity of each individual. Every person bears God’s image and is loved by God. The Emmaus 圣经 College community purposes to reflect this biblical perspective in all relationships and to value each individual in light of this truth.
  • 圣经的多样性. In Christ, believers from diverse cultures and 回来grounds are one body. Emmaus 圣经 College endeavors to be a community characterized by unity while learning from and appreciating our diversity.
  • Culture of excellence. In response to the biblical injunction to do all things for the glory of God, the Emmaus 圣经 College community strives for excellence in its 项目 and services.
  • 服务之心. Following Christ’s model of servant-leadership, the Emmaus 圣经 College community seeks to be characterized by service and love for one another and for our communities and constituencies.
  • 我们的传统. Emmaus 圣经 College values its history and identity within the 弟兄们 movement and teaches principles of church 生活 rooted in New Testament truth, including the centrality of Christ, plurality of leadership, and priesthood of all believers.



  • Empower learners to realize their full potential through high-quality academic and student development 项目 that are biblically grounded and culturally 有关.
  • Provide an attractive, safe environment conducive to learning and spiritual and personal growth.
  • Encourage the personal welfare and professional development of each faculty and staff member.
  • Sustain and enhance the human, 物理, and financial resources needed to achieve mission and vision.
  • Enrich external constituencies through education, ministry, and service.


Through its academic 项目, 以马忤斯的目的是:

  • Increase understanding and application of the 圣经 and Christian theology.
  • Encourage spiritual growth and development of Christian character.
  • Challenge for the development and integration of a biblical worldview.
  • Develop foundational knowledge and skills to support 生活long learning.
  • Cultivate educated contributors to contemporary society.
  • Equip servant-leaders with skills and knowledge appropriate to their chosen 职业 or fields of service.