Transfer of Credit Policy

迪比克校园 Transfer Credit

Transfer credit may be given for courses from other institutions with demonstrated quality, 可比性, 适当性, and applicability to those of Emmaus. Courses with grades below C (or a grade-point below 2.0) are not transferable. Transfer credits do not affect GPA. Transfer decisions at Emmaus are not made solely on the source of accreditation of a sending program or institution.

全球校园 Transfer Credit

Transfer credit may be given for courses from other accredited institutions with demonstrated quality, 可比性, 适当性, and applicability to those of Emmaus. Courses with grades below C (or a grade-point below 2.0) are not transferable. Students must earn a grade of C or better for the transfer of undergraduate courses completed within the last fifteen years or must earn a B or better in order to transfer credits completed within the past thirty years. Transfer credits do not affect GPA. Total credits received in the transfer cannot exceed 50% of the total credits required for the program (see academic program information for program-specific transfer requirements). Students may not transfer remedial courses, orientation to college courses, or capstone courses. Transfer decisions at Emmaus are not made solely on the source of accreditation of a sending program or institution.

Transfer Policy for Credits from Non-Accredited Institutions

Students coming to Emmaus from non-accredited schools may receive up to a maximum of 24 credits toward 圣经/神学 requirements at Emmaus. Transfer decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis upon review of submitted course descriptions and/or course syllabi. Emmaus will only consider approving credit for courses where the student receives a letter grade, and that grade must be a “C” or higher. “Pass/fail” or satisfactory/unsatisfactory” grades are not transferable to Emmaus.

Articulation Agreements with Non-Accredited Institutions

Emmaus 圣经 College has articulation agreements with the following non-accredited institutions: Kawartha Lakes 圣经 College (closed in 2015), New Tribes 圣经 Institute, and Jackson Hole 圣经 College. For more information, please contact the Academic Affairs office at (563) 588-8000 x1103.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Emmaus accepts up to 18 credits of College Level Examination Program (CLEP) credit as administered by The College Board. College credit will be given for subject exams only, and only for those subjects that are comparable to Emmaus courses. CLEP credit will not exceed the credit given for a comparable course at Emmaus 圣经 College. Acceptable scores vary with each exam. The incoming student should request that The College Board send scores directly to the Emmaus Registrar’s office. The Emmaus school code is 1215. Current students planning to take CLEP subject examinations to meet program requirements should seek preapproval from their academic advisor.

Advanced Placement (AP)

Emmaus will grant credit for Advanced Placement (AP) if the credit is validated by the appropriate AP exam administered by The College Board. Acceptable scores vary. The student should request that The College Board send scores directly to the Emmaus Registrar’s office.


American Council on Education credit recommendations, including military credits, will be considered for transfer; and courses found to be similar in content to Emmaus 圣经 College courses may be awarded transfer credit. 在一般情况下, vocational-technical training and Military Occupational Specialty courses are not awarded transfer credit.